New England Triumphs welcomes all Triumph motor car owners and enthusiasts. We are dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of Triumph motor cars. Our members consist of past, present, and future Triumph owners from throughout the New England area with a broad range of Triumph cars.

Our year starts with an open meeting in early Spring to discuss and schedule events for the coming year. Our driving season is from April through November. We try to arrange at least one driving event for every month of the driving season, taking full advantage of the beautiful New England scenery and winding country and coastal roads that are perfect for these classic cars, with stops for food and ice cream of course!
Car shows are another popular activity. Many members also attend several other shows, both local and distant, often traveling as a group so we can arrive in style!
Starting in 2023 NET hosted the inaugural Ramble. The Ramble is a three day event that will be held each year at a different location in our region.This year’s Ramble 2025 will be held July 11 to July 13in beutiful Vermont. For more information check the NET Ramble web site. A password is required to enter the reservations section of the Ramble site. You can find that password here in our Members Only section.
In non-pandemic years our year ends with our End of Year party, an evening of food and fun at a local hotel. Events are added to our club calendar throughout the driving season, sometimes on short notice, and are subject to change (especially due to weather) so check back frequently.

During the winter months we help one another with projects ranging from simple maintenance to complete restorations. Our members generously share their knowledge, time, expertise, and specialized tools.
Club events are posted on our Calendar. Our Facebook page is frequently updated with News, Events, and Photos. We have an active club email list to keep club members informed about upcoming events and to get help with projects.
New England Triumphs is affiliated with several national Triumph clubs (VTR, TRA, 6-Pack). You will find links to those organizations under the About Menu. We invite you to explore our web site to get an idea of who we are, what activities we engage in, how to join the club and how to contact us if you need more information.